Walking Talkies

We're staying Up All Night for WA families with sick kids

This March, we're taking part in Up All Night, walking 42 km across Perth to help provide a home away from home and services that support the well-being of WA families with sick kids.

For families with sick kids needing to travel far from home to access specialist medical care, sleepless nights are sadly just part of the deal.

By walking a night in their shoes, we can help these families at a time when they need it most.

The funds we raise can help provide accommodation, support and stability for families with sick kids who just want to spend loving time together during the hardest time of their lives.

Could you give a generous donation to help Ronald McDonald House Charities WA continue to provide support to families with sick kids, 24/7 365 days a year?

Thank you for making a difference in the lives of WA families with sick kids through your kindness!

Thank you to our Sponsors


Access Analytic

Well done Melina!


Secure Access Solutions

I'm proud of you.


Melina Louzada


Melina Louzada

You are one of the strongest persons I have ever met! I’m so thankful that I get to do this fundraiser with you!


William Sinclair

Good luck Nikki.


Jeff Robson

Great initiative for a wonderful charity


Wyn Hopkins

A fantastic cause!


Corrine Dempsey

So proud of you!!!




Melina Louzada

It’s great to see you taking up this challenge to support this cause!! You are amazing!!


Tim Kelly


Yury Tokarev

Well done Melina - fantastic initiative.


Judi Irvine



Well done your doing a great job 👏 ❤


Gillian Brown

Good luck Nikki xx



Happy walking x


L Jarvis

Well done Nikki and Melina for training to do this and good luck for the big walk soon, lots of love xxx


Nikki Baluk


Lucy Holden

You’re smashing it! Robert and I are very proud of his Aunty Nik x


Lisa C

Good luck Nikki. You’ll smash it 💪🏼xx



Amazing work Nikki



See what bring friends in Facebook can do haha.. Go do it … great cause


Mal Bosco

Well done Mel & for a great cause. All the best


Kerry Neesham

Awesome effort 42kms is huge! Great cause! I do the 42 for women’s cancer each year but that is only during the day this is next level!!!! Well Done!


Maria Da Silva


Sabrina Da Motta Zenatti

Fantastic initiative Melina!


Priscila Spezamiglio

Parabéns Me, muito legal essa iniciativa.


Jon Torien

Good luck on the stroll🚶‍♀️🤘




Marc Bentley

You're braver than me, have fun :)


Alan Simpson


Louise Rhodes Freelance Hairstylust

Well done you are an inspiration


Juliana Schappo


Rachel Ripper


Laura W

Well Done!


Dean Sutton

Come on, move faster!


Milene Haraguchi


Kelly Moss

Good Luck xx


Emma Dunne

This donation is from Emma Dunne :)



Matched Donation


Johnny J



Matched Donation

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